3 - Data checking


You imported your database, but now you need to check it for errors and inconsistencies.

There are a lot of ways to do so, so EDCimport provides functions for a few concepts.

As in previous vignettes, we will be using edc_example(), but in the real world you should use EDC reading functions. See vignette("reading") to see how.

db = edc_example(N=200) %>% 
  edc_unify_subjid() %>% 
#> ── EDCimport database ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

Data warning

Data errors

The primary and most valuable data-checking tool in EDCimport is edc_data_warn().

Simply use dplyr::filter() to identify problematic or inconsistent rows and pipe them into the function.

For example, let’s say that in our study:

  • Patients should be older than 25

  • Adverse event grades should be between 1 and 5.

  • Patients in the treatment arm should not have data1$date1 before 2010-04-10

Here’s how you check these conditions:

enrol %>% 
  filter(age<25) %>% 
  edc_data_warn("Patients should be >25yo", issue_n=1)
#> Warning: Issue #01: Patients should be >25yo (2 patients: #18 and #59)

ae %>% 
  filter(aegr<1 | aegr>5) %>% 
  edc_data_warn("Incorrect adverse event grade", issue_n=2)

data1 %>% 
  edc_left_join(enrol) %>% 
  filter(arm=="Trt") %>% 
  filter(date1<"2010-04-10") %>% 
  edc_data_warn("Treated patients should have been seen later", issue_n=3)
#> Warning: Issue #03: Treated patients should have been seen later (9 patients: #1, #45,
#> #64, #69, #82, …)

You can implement these checks according to your Data Validation Plan, ensuring they run after every export. Any failed check will produce a warning in your R console. Once the database is corrected, the warnings will no longer appear (e.g. issue_n=2).

After running all your checks, you can use edc_data_warnings() to get a summary of all detected issues.

#> # A tibble: 2 × 4
#>   issue_n message                                      subjid    fun     
#>   <chr>   <chr>                                        <list>    <chr>   
#> 1 01      Patients should be >25yo                     <chr [2]> cli_warn
#> 2 03      Treated patients should have been seen later <chr [9]> cli_warn

Fatal error

If one check is so mandatory that you cannot work in a database where it fails, use edc_data_stop() instead.

For example, you can use it to check that some variable construction didn’t go wrong:

df = mtcars %>% 
    type = case_when(
      cyl==4 ~ "4 cylinders", 
      cyl==6 ~ "6 cylinders", 
      cyl==8 ~ "8 cylinders", 

df %>% 
  filter(type=="ERROR") %>% 
  edc_data_stop("Error on type construction")

Duplicate-free dataset assertion

If you work with multiple datasets, your code probably include a lot of joins. As you may have painfully discovered, joining data carries a high risk of altering the data layout and resulting in multiple rows per patient.

This is why you should always include assert_no_duplicate() in your pipeline if you expect only one row per patient.

enrol %>% 
  assert_no_duplicate() %>% 
#> # A tibble: 2 × 2
#>   arm       n
#>   <chr> <int>
#> 1 Ctl      99
#> 2 Trt     101

enrol %>% 
  edc_left_join(data1) %>% #oopsie
  assert_no_duplicate() %>% 
#> Error in `assert_no_duplicate()`:
#> ! Duplicate on column "subjid" for values 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and
#>   10.


This is the Fail Fast principle: you’d better have an error in your R script than in your analysis report.

Last-news table

If your analysis involves a survival endpoint, you likely have a follow-up dataset that includes the vital status as of the last visit date.

However, in real-world scenarios, this dataset might not be accurately filled, and some patient can have other data after the date of last visit.

The lastnews_table() function calculates the actual date of the last recorded information for each patient (SUBJID), based on all Date/Datetime columns across all datasets.

Currently, edc_example() does not include an explicit table for this scenario, so let’s consider the following example:

  • data3$date10 is your last visit date in your followup dataset. It is the origin you should prefer if there is a tie and the reference to identify any inconsistency.

  • data1 is a dataset of protocolary dates, such as planned medical visits. You should ignore all columns in this dataset, as they do not pertain to the patient’s last known

  • date8 and date9 are dates when treatments were administered. They imply that the patient was alive at that time. If a date is after date10, it means that the survival time is underestimated.

Here is how to parameterize lastnews_table() to fit this scenario:

lastnews_table(prefer="date10", except="data1", show_delta=TRUE) %>% 
  mutate(delta=round(delta)) %>% 
#> # A tibble: 200 × 8
#>    subjid last_date  origin_data origin_col origin_label    preferred_last_date
#>     <dbl> <date>     <chr>       <chr>      <chr>           <date>             
#>  1      9 2010-08-01 data3       date9      Date at visit 9 2010-07-14         
#>  2     41 2010-07-28 data3       date9      Date at visit 9 2010-07-09         
#>  3     71 2010-07-16 data3       date8      Date at visit 8 2010-06-28         
#>  4    186 2010-07-12 data3       date9      Date at visit 9 2010-06-23         
#>  5     14 2010-07-30 data3       date9      Date at visit 9 2010-07-13         
#>  6     61 2010-07-30 data3       date9      Date at visit 9 2010-07-12         
#>  7     68 2010-08-06 data3       date8      Date at visit 8 2010-07-20         
#>  8    120 2010-07-27 data3       date9      Date at visit 9 2010-07-09         
#>  9     58 2010-07-31 data3       date9      Date at visit 9 2010-07-15         
#> 10     93 2010-07-30 data3       date9      Date at visit 9 2010-07-13         
#> # ℹ 190 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: preferred_origin <chr>, delta <drtn>


This table is useful for Overall Survival and data checking. However, you should be very careful when using it for Event-Free Survival: a patient can be alive at that point without having experienced an event.